Following live streamed worship, recordings are available on our website, Facebook page, and “clcsindy” YouTube Channel.
Click here to see our full Calendar of Events!
Participate in Worship and Bible Studies online... Click here to go to Calvary's videos on Facebook.
Weekly Highlights
Children’s Christmas Eve Service Dec 24 11:00 a.m.
All are invited for a fun and interactive children’s Christmas service. Come in your Christmas PJ’s. Enjoy special treats and a photo booth afterward. Service will last about 30 minutes.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Dec 24 5:00 p.m.
A service of lessons and traditional carols with candle lighting. Includes a children’s message (Onsite only)
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Dec 24 7:00 p.m.
A service of lessons and traditional carols with candle lighting and music from our Chorale and Handbells (Onsite & Online)
Christmas Day Divine Service Dec 25 10:00 a.m.
A traditional divine service with Communion (Onsite only)
2025 Contribution Envelopes Available in Narthex
Using these envelopes helps Calvary efficiently and correctly record amounts for year-end giving statements supplied for your tax records. If you use online giving and would rather not receive an envelope packet, let us know. While not expensive, there is a cost savings if fewer envelopes are ordered. If you do not find your envelopes in the narthex, contact the church office
It's a Baby Shower!
The Compassion Team will once again give a baby shower to a young mom in need of support. We will receive a name from the Life Centers of Indianapolis. The date is yet to be determined, but we hope to hold the shower by late January. Any members of Calvary are invited to attend or support this endeavor. Do you have skills in decorating? Have leftover items from a recent shower to donate? Love to plan events? Young or old, we welcome your participation. Look for further details to come. Contact Diane Gibson if you have questions or input.
Upcoming Bible Study Opportunity (Psalm 23)
Mark your calendar for a 7-week video study of Psalm 23 led by Kristen Schwark starting Sunday, Jan 19. It is more than a psalm that comforts in death; it gives confidence in life! Experience the depths of God's care tucked in this psalm you've always loved. Sundays from 9:25-10:25. a.m. held here at Calvary.
A few copies of the optional workbook for at home study will be available for $22.
Upcoming Bible Study Opp. (Leviticus / Hebrews)
Mark your calendar for a 7-week study of the connections between Leviticus and the letter to the Hebrews that will be led by Pastor Tim Benzinger, campus pastor at Lutheran High. See the richness and depth of God’s love at work for us in His Word. Sundays, beginning Jan 19 from 9:25-10:25 a.m. held here at Calvary.
Upcoming Small Group Study (You Are Never Alone)
Join Pastor Ebert as we explore Max Lucado’s video study
“You Are Never Alone.” God’s presence and power are nearer than we think. We need look no further than the miracles of Jesus told in the Gospel of John. Join us Thursdays from 1:00-2:30 p.m. in Rm 125 from Jan 23 through Feb 27.
Altar Flower Chart
The 2025 altar flower chart is posted in the narthex. Sign-up for a special occasion or remembrance of a loved one.
Lunch OUT! (Wed., Jan 1 11:00 a.m.)
For our “First Wednesday” December outing we’re meeting at Smokey Bones Restaurant, 780 US 31 South, Greenwood.
Tables will be saved for Calvary Lutheran, no reservation needed. Adults of all ages are welcome – come join us for good food and some fun Christian fellowship.
Ladies’ Bible Study, Sat., Jan 4 8:30 a.m.
This month’s study will be from the Lutheran Women’s Winter 2024 Quarterly and shared by everyone. Join us in the Church Library on Sat., Jan 4 at 8:30 a.m.
Applications Now Open for Lutheran High School
Applications are open for the 2025-2026 school year. Visit for more information!
Interested in becoming a part of Calvary?
Our next adult Foundations of Faith class starts Sun., Jan 19. This class provides practical answers about faith in Christ, our beliefs in general, and Calvary's ministries in specific. It also gives the opportunity to become part of the Calvary family at the end of class. If you have any questions or are interested in this class, please email Kara Hiatt.
Sunday School Lego Donations
Calvary’s Sunday School is needing donations of Lego’s. We can use big & small Lego’s, sets, or individual pieces. To donate, please put them in the collection bin in the narthex.
Thrivent Members—“Choice Dollars” Designation
If you have not directed your 2024 Thrivent Choice Dollars, please consider directing them to “Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church” or “Calvary Lutheran School”. Visit or call 800-847-4836 to find out if you have Choice Dollars to direct.
2024 Advent Offering Envelope Designation
Gifts received in the purple -trimmed Advent Envelopes or online giving designated as “Advent” will benefit our Wycliffe Bible translators, who are currently serving overseas.
Are you or a loved one in need of being baptized?
Baptisms can be scheduled during a service, in school chapel, or privately as needed. Contact Pastor Ebert (
) or Pastor Troemel (
) or call the church office, 317-783-2000.
Calvary India Mission Giving Tree
Stop by the lobby and select a tag from the Calvary India Mission giving tree. The Christmas gifts on the tags will be distributed to the tailoring and tuition students in India. You may keep the bangle as our gift to you. Please pray for God’s blessings as we reach out in God’s love to our Hindu and Muslim neighbors in India. For questions, please contact Rhonda Hansen.
Help Open Doors to Calvary Lutheran School
Donate to Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO)
Your gift will provide scholarships to students, opening doors to a Christian education at Calvary. Your donation may be eligible for a 50% credit on your Indiana State Income Taxes. There may be federal tax benefits as well. See details at, in the Oct newsletter, or by contacting the school office 317-783-2305. Please make sure to designate “Calvary Lutheran Indianapolis.”
Prayer Support
Submit prayer requests to the church office at (317) 783-2000 or click here for our online Prayer Page.
Kathy Lamin; Pastor Udhay Raji; Charles Klasing; Bob Handschy; Ashton, grandson of Julie Sessions; Lauren Rich, niece of Sherri Lytle
Ron Brink; Keith Corban; Pauline Miller; Lisa Pluckebaum; Sherri Terry; Glory Van Arsdel; Larry Jupin; Jill Radcliffe; Tyler Shaw; Mary Ann Knaus; Ellen Vance; Jim Vance; Gene Redding; Denise Fix; Pastor Bill Yates; Dan Weeden; Bonnie Brink; Art Messer; Connor Miles
Bella Beltran, great-granddaughter of Pauline Miller; Claudia Eisberg, mother of Eric Eisberg; Vera Monroe, mother of Gloria Vandivier; Donna Gerken, mother of Ruth Deckard & Paul Gerken; Judy Webb, friend of Amber Young; Connie Menke, friend of Karen Davis; Tracy Finke, daughter-in-law of Pat Finke; Jared Hall, grandson of Jim & Jan Dunaway; Jiraiya Marqua, grandson of Michael Marqua & great-grandson of Sandra Marqua Staten; Shirley Wehmeier, sister of Bill Wittlief; Jerry Plummer, brother-in-law of Steve Bardonner; Sophie Wildauer, granddaughter of Craig & Amy Wildauer; Layla Stockinger, a student at Emmaus Ft. Wayne; Rev. Harold & Joy Kallio; Evan Stephan, friend of James & Melissa Mayo; Darrell Shaw, friend of Becky Leslie; Steve Bruner, brother of Patty Rothkopf; Ella Kay Bardonner, sister-in-law of Steve Bardonner; Jane Weeks; Jim Foster, Kelly Fromer & Paula Spears, friends of Jim & Kristen Schwark; Gertrude Heiden, mother of Judy Morrison
Steve Harnedy, friend of Ellen Vance
For the baptism of James David Vandivier (Dec 21)
Parents: Benjamin & Sarah
Grandparents: Steve & Gloria
Associate pastor call process
Riley Bauer (US); Taylor Sessions (CO); Trevor Frank (AZ); Abigail (Leslie) Tipton (deployed); Nate Moore (FL); Corey Langhammer (OK); Grant Behning (WA); Austin & Laurel McClure, grandson & his wife of Judy Stanford; Addison Utterback, granddaughter of Judy Stanford (US); Michael Van Arsdel, grandson of Glory Van Arsdel (deployed); Tommy Austin, friend of Erin Woempner (deployed); Dylan Bruner, nephew of Patty Rothkopf (US); Joseph Fox, grandson of Anita Fox (US); Nicholas Haviland, nephew of Steve & Laura Currier (NC); Caleb & Seth Hougesen, grandsons of Rich Wilson (US); Austin Turner, nephew of Glenda Roundtree (WA); Wayde Cochran, great-nephew of Steve & Pattie Bardonner; Christina Etzler, niece of Denise Fix (deployed)