Series: Christmas
Series Information

Jesus Christ is born this day! The Word has become flesh to dwell among...
We meet a stark contrast between the joys of Christmas and its...
It is hard to think of Jesus as a baby, born of Mary, but even harder...
You’ve probably heard it said that it is believed that the wise men...
Though all else in life may be uncertain, today, we celebrate the birth...
Today, we join Simeon and Anna in marvelling at the visitation of...
As we find ourselves poised at this transitional time of the New Year...
If you were granted one wish, what would it be? It sounds like a...
What’s the difference between hope and faith? Why does it matter? Jesus...
Of all the people that God could have chosen and of all the places they...
John 1 doesn’t strike us like the other Christmas readings from Matthew...
As we continue to “apply” the message of Christmas to our daily lives...
It is that time of year when everyone is searching for that perfect New...
How do you look at life and not just at this special time of year? How...
(Note: The audio and video recordings begin with the Gospel reading on...
The Baptism John proclaimed was for repentance, that people might be...
We worry about the who, what, where, and when of our Christmas...
On the first Christmas Eve a new beginning sprang forth for the world...
Luke tells a story of contrasts between a world breaking open with...
As many of us travel this time of year, so also did Mary, Joseph, and...
God made some seriously personal promises to His people, Israel, in the...