October is when we take time to recognize the faithful service of our church ministry staff. Please say a prayer, share a word of thanks, or send a card to show your appreciation. A box will be provided in the narthex to drop a card or note.
- Kurt (Sarah) Ebert (Senior Pastor)
- Josh (Laura) Reifsteck (Associate Pastor)
- Udhay (Kalai) Raji (Tamil Community and hospital chaplain)
- Sam (Molly) Troemel (Youth & Family)
- Emily (Tony) Spelde (Adult Ministry).
Calvary members serving elsewhere:
- Bob (Ruth) Armao (Lutheran High teacher/pastor)
Retired pastors at Calvary:
- Howard (Bev) Fabricius
- Harvey (Carol) Lange
- Gene (Betty) Lauterbach
- Ray (Jan) Main
- Jim (Connie) Myers
- Art (Joy) Wehrmeister