Congregational Study - Fall 2024
Every Sunday, Saturday from 10/19/2024 to 11/24/2024

2024 Congregational Study:
“Forgiving Challenge” by Zach Zehnder
Calvary will host a special sermon series and bible study opportunity from October 19/20 through November 23/24. This year's study is another 40-day challenge from the Red Letter Challenge, this time on the topic of "Forgiving." If you like, you can do the study entirely on your own or you can join a small group study to help you process what you learn, providing you additional encouragement and insights from fellow Christians.
- Theme Summary: A Forgiven Person is a Forgiving Person. Forgiving Challenge takes you on a life-changing journey to experience the gift of God’s grace so that you can share it with others. The forgiveness that Jesus has already won for you assures you of eternal life with Him. It also offers you an opportunity to live with purpose today. So come. Be forgiven. Be free. And watch how God works through you to change the world.
- Participant Signups: Small group signups will take place September 21/22 through October 19/20. We have a variety of small groups at many different times and days of the week: some are onsite, some in homes, and still others online. Starting September 21/22, you can see our small group opportunities by either checking out the onsite signup table or by clicking this link. You can submit a “Small Group Signup Request” here.
- Forgiving Challenge Resources: Adult and Kid workbooks will be available at a discounted price of $10 at the start of signups.
A copy of the “Daily Reading Guide” that will help you keep on track with our sermon series and small group study is provided here.
A copy of the “Small Group Discussion Guide” can be accessed here.
Thank you to everyone who made this year’s congregational study a success! Whether you participated or not, we want your feedback! Help us improve future studies by filling out this quick survey either at or paper copies are available outside the church office on the welcome table.