Reflections and Questions on the Call Process  (Part 2)

Reflections and Questions on the Call Process (Part 2)

by Pastor Kurt Ebert on September 01, 2024

As we continue through the call process, we prayerfully reflect on where God is leading us. Last month we reflected upon the topic: “What are we looking for in a pastor?” This month we take a look at the question: “What are we hoping this pastor will do?

Almost immediately we think of tasks that happen on a normal weekend at Calvary—“preaching, teaching, and leading worship.” While these things are of the utmost importance, there are additional areas that we would like an associate pastor to focus upon here at Calvary.

We are looking for a pastor who can focus on two specific areas of ministry, while also providing support within the general pastoral responsibilities of caring for the worship life of our congregation. The first place of emphasis is Adult Education and Small Group Bible studies. This pastor would serve as one of our key Bible study leaders on weekends and during the week. He would help recruit, train, and organize Bible study leaders, so we can provide additional opportunities for members and guests to connect with other Christians and to learn more of God’s will and God’s Word for their lives. He would provide the necessary coordination and collaboration in this area.

The second place of emphasis is Pastoral Care. We desire to provide the best possible care for the spiritual health and welfare of our church members. Having a pastor who can take the lead within this area, providing not only the care and support to members personally, but also providing the organization and coordination with other pastoral staff and leaders, would promote the spiritual
growth of our congregation as we care for our members n the different ages and stages of life.

Please pray for our Call Committee and our staff, as we work through this process and vacancy, and as we serve the wider mission of Christ for our congregation and community.